Motorola MCS2000 900 MHz - codeplugs

Motorola CPS Software no longer available from Motorola, where to acquire?

MCS2000 900 MHz Model 3 - 30 watt

We are trying to gather codeplugs for 900 MHz radios in the New England area. Many of them take a lot of time to build, and many have commented that it would be great to have a place to store all of them that are out there in one place. While these codeplugs may not fit your exact needs, they can at least give you a point to start from. Some of them are centered around a specific area.

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Radio Model Notes Contributor(s) Last  Updated Right click-save to download
MCS2000 Model 1 - 30 watt (M01WJL4PW4CN) New England, some NY. Alphabetical N1ZZN 2015 Download
MCS2000 Model 2 - 15 watt (M01WGM4PW6CN) MA, NH, RI - Alplabetical N1ZZN 2015 Download
MCS2000 Model 2 - 30 watt (M01WJM4PW6CN) New England, misc NY, NJ, PA, MD, VA. Broken down into zones by state N1ZZN 2015 Download
MCS2000 Model 3 - 30 watt (M01WJN4PW6AN) SE Mass li
N1ZZN 2015  Download
MTX9250 H25WCH4GB6 New England, zones by state K1BOS, N1ZZN (GEMOTO) 2015 Download

KB1SMN 2015 Download

KB1SMN 2015 Download
XTL1500 M28WRS9PW1AN New England, NY, NJ KC1HO 2015 Download

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MCS2000 900 MHz Model 3 - 30 watt

Motorola CPS Software no longer available from Motorola, where to acquire?

Digital Ham Radio / Amateur Radio
Amateur Radio Users Support Group


  1. Anonymous12:34

    Need MCS2000 Codeplug 900 MHz Model 3

  2. Anonymous12:36

    900MHz MCS2000 Model I Codeplug
