SOLVED: system cannot find the file specified - MCS2000 Programing software issue | FIX

SOLVED:  system cannot find the file specified - MCS2000 Programing software issue

For some reason the software does not open and I get an alert 'the system cannot find the file specified'.
I use the MCS2000 CPS R02.03.00. can it be a problem with the version of windows i am using? or do i need to get other software to help support it?

SOLVED:  system cannot find the file specified - MCS2000 Programming software issue | FIX

After trying numerous times to launch the MCS2000 CPS R02.03.00.and receiving the message 'the system cannot find the file specified'.

I connected a USB to Serial connection to my laptop that has NO native serial port.
The Software Launched Working

SOLVED :   The MCS2000 CPS R02.03.00. software launched on a WINDOWS 7.



  1. Anonymous12:57

    Well what version of windows are you using? I use XP with no issues... A 32 bit os is what you need. But on what you quoted as the error I personally think something either was moved, deleted, or didn't get copied when installed. I would try reinstalling it

    1. Anonymous12:58

      i re-installed it multiple times and i have the same problem

  2. Anonymous13:00

    It's been a long time ago but I think i remember seeing that error because I didn't have an actual serial port on the computer.

    1. Anonymous13:01

      good point i dont have one. is there any way of getting around it? i can get a usb adapter. or do i need to download a fix.

  3. Anonymous13:02

    I've used a USB to serial adapter forever with my laptop with no issues.

  4. It has to have a serial port available else it gives "the system cannot find the file specified" error


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